Time to Speak Russian::Lesson 10::Scene 01::Grammar Notes
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Lesson 10
Scene 1
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Время говорить по-русски Basic course Lesson 10 Scene 1

Grammar Notes

Reflexive verbs (continued)

In the Russian language, there are several groups of reflexive verbs. Verbs in the first group describe actions performed by the agent and directed back at the agent ("одева́ться" = "dress oneself", "умыва́ться" = "wash one’s own face"). Verbs in the second group describe reciprocal actions performed by two or more people towards one another (здоро́ваться = greet each, обнима́ться = hug each another). Verbs in the third group describe actions that are neither reflexive nor reciprocal. These verbs are simply never used without "-ся", and they have to be memorized. Here they are:

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